Sunday, August 7, 2011


Today was so oddly amazing. I am used to everyday going bad or half bad but today was all just good o_O
It started with my friend Austin's birthday party at Japan Inn. It was my best friend Daniele, me, and some friends I haven't talked to in a while. We all went to this fancy japanese restaurant  called Japan Inn where they make your food infront of you. The food was perfect and we all had so much fun together.

This is a blurry photo of me and my friend Jordan. He was my date because we sat next to each other ;D

Me on the left, Daniele in the middle, and Kelsey's cheek on the right <3

    After all of that we went back to Austin's house and played hide and seek (to me it was extreme hide and seek because they made you  close your eyes and threw pillows at you while you looked for the people).
Your never too old to play hide and seek or extreme hide and seek x)
We went outside in the rain to play manhunt but i didn't want to get my hair ruined because I was going to see my friends Jon and Jessica later so I didn't play (I'm such a girl). I just said I was on the boys team. BOYS TEAM RULES!
I was surprised my hair was not hideous when I got home, it was good wavy.
Later Jessica picked me and Jon up. We drove to a gas station and picked up arizona tea and doritos lol.
We went to my house and sat in my room for a while until Jessica had to leave. She was Jon's ride so he had to go too :( When we were outside Jessica got inside her car so me and Jon could have privacy which was good because we kissed :)))) (Im not giving details incase he reads this, that would be akward lol)

I am such a loser XP

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